
Deep tillage Model Design15industrial machinery Model sandbox set
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The service content
Industrial/ Machinery/ production

    Industrial models are usually used for display by some industrial equipment, especially some large mechanical devices, and are usually shown in models. Industrial models are one of the models designed to demonstrate the operational flow of an industrial product, requiring as comprehensive and refined as possible.

    Mechanical models, as the name implies, are about the reduction of machinery in the same proportion of real equipment, such as 1:10, 1:20 and so on. If, in the case of proportional permission, it is entirely possible to simulate the working principle and demonstration in real equipment, the mechanical model has the advantages of equal scale scaling, high simulation, suitable transportation, suitable for exhibiting and so on, and is more and more favored by large-scale machinery manufacturing companies, through its unique development and special design, Constantly give the model a higher external performance and visual impact. Possess special equipment and tools for making ship models. This is an important means to solve the difficulty of making difficulties and to ensure the technical level of the works.

   From a certain point of view, exquisite and delicate works, is the craft play and tool ability performance.

The service content
Real Estate /profile /Planning

     Real Estate Sales office model is in the house has not been made before, with a reduction in the proportion of a sandplay model, generally known as the sales model, sales model has a strong function, intuitive and interesting, often more vivid, realistic, is usually used in real estate sales to guide the sale of different floors and buildings when used, With the rapid development of China's real estate industry, the indoor profile model has a strong functional, intuitive and interesting, often more vivid, realistic, is usually used in real estate sales to guide the sale of different household type.

With the rapid development of China's real estate industry, the indoor profile model has increasingly shown its irreplaceable expressive force, not only for interior designers to conceive the creation of indoor space auxiliary design means, in the design of product property sales promotion, but also more specific, vivid, realistic performance tools than simple drawings.

The production ratio of indoor profile model is generally large, which is suitable for furniture making and decoration, decoration performance, divided into transverse profile model and longitudinal profile model.

     1.The transverse profile of the cross-sectional model ,model  refers to the cutting from the cross section of the building, that is, the position of the general doors and windows, for the performance of indoor room orientation, position, relationship, spatial pattern and display of different space of the use of functions and decorative atmosphere 
    2.Longitudinal profile Model Longitudinal section refers to the longitudinal cut from the building, cutting position includes the transportation hub (building elevator space) and the space vertical change rich parts, used to express the longitudinal pattern of the interior, the functional zoning of different floors, traffic connection mode, space three-dimensional changes and so on. The Sandplay model can be made by fine production, precise proportion, the urban planning decision brought about by the change of urban appearance and urban construction situation into the public can see, feel the physical object, the public can even find their place of residence, familiar roads, parks, etc., is conducive to the public to participate in it. The main purpose of urban planning is to demonstrate the future development of the city and the layout of the city, and the purpose of the urban planning model is to help urban planning planners to demonstrate their own design concepts and integrated departments and so on.

The service content
Power / Energy / Hydraulic

Industrial models are usually displayed by some industrial equipments, especially some large mechanical equipments. They are usually displayed by models. Industrial model is a kind of model, which aims to show the operation process of an industrial product, and requires as simple as possible.

Mechanical model, as its name implies, is about the reduction of the proportion of machinery in real equipment, such as 1:10, 1:20 and so on. If the proportion permits, it can simulate the working principle and demonstration of real equipment. Mechanical model has the advantages of equal scale scaling, height simulation, suitable transportation and exhibition. It is more and more favored by large machinery manufacturing companies. Through its unique development and special design, it continuously gives the model higher external expressive force and visual impact. It has special equipment and equipment for making ship models. This is an important means to solve the difficulty of production and to ensure the level of work technology. From a certain point of view, exquisite and delicate works are the expression of the ability of craftsmanship and tools.

The service content
Intelligence, Dynamics, Sand Table

Indoor profile model is more functional, intuitive and interesting. It is often vivid and lifelike. It is usually used in real estate sales to guide the sale of different types of households. With the rapid development of China's real estate industry, the interior profile model is increasingly showing its irreplaceable expressive force. It is not only an assistant design method used by interior designers to conceive and create interior space, but also a more concrete, vivid and realistic expression tool than simple drawings in the property sales promotion of design products. Indoor profile models are generally large proportion of production, suitable for furniture production and decoration, decoration performance, divided into cross-sectional model and longitudinal model.

1. The cross-section of the cross-section model refers to the cutting from the cross-section of the building, i.e. the position of the general doors and windows, which is used to show the orientation, position, relationship, spatial pattern of the indoor room, as well as the use function and decorative atmosphere of different spaces. 2. Longitudinal section model refers to the vertical cut-off of the building. The cut-off position includes the transportation hub (elevator space) and the location with abundant vertical changes in space. It is used to show the vertical pattern of the interior, the functional zoning of different floors, the mode of traffic connection, the spatial three-dimensional changes, etc. Sand table model can change the urban landscape and urban construction situation brought about by urban planning decision-making into tangible and tangible objects through fine production and accurate proportion. The public can even find their own residence, familiar roads and parks on it, which is conducive to public participation. The main purpose of urban planning is to show the future development of the city and the layout of the city, and the purpose of the urban planning model is to help urban planning planners to show their design concepts and comprehensive ministries and bureaus and other aspects.

The service content
Aviation, Space, Ships

Industrial models are usually displayed by some industrial equipments, especially some large mechanical equipments. They are usually displayed by models. Industrial model is a kind of model, which aims to show the operation process of an industrial product, and requires as simple as possible.

Mechanical model, as its name implies, is about the reduction of the proportion of machinery in real equipment, such as 1:10, 1:20 and so on. If the proportion permits, it can simulate the working principle and demonstration of real equipment. Mechanical model has the advantages of equal scale scaling, height simulation, suitable transportation and exhibition. It is more and more favored by large machinery manufacturing companies. Through its unique development and special design, it continuously gives the model higher external expressive force and visual impact. It has special equipment and equipment for making ship models. This is an important means to solve the difficulty of production and to ensure the level of work technology. From a certain point of view, exquisite and delicate works are the expression of the ability of craftsmanship and tools.

The service content
Multimedia, Exhibition Hall

Indoor profile model is more functional, intuitive and interesting. It is often vivid and lifelike. It is usually used in real estate sales to guide the sale of different types of households. With the rapid development of China's real estate industry, the interior profile model is increasingly showing its irreplaceable expressive force. It is not only an assistant design method used by interior designers to conceive and create interior space, but also a more concrete, vivid and realistic expression tool than simple drawings in the property sales promotion of design products. Indoor profile models are generally large proportion of production, suitable for furniture production and decoration, decoration performance, divided into cross-sectional model and longitudinal model.

1. The cross-section of the cross-section model refers to the cutting from the cross-section of the building, i.e. the position of the general doors and windows, which is used to show the orientation, position, relationship, spatial pattern of the indoor room, as well as the use function and decorative atmosphere of different spaces. 2. Longitudinal section model refers to the vertical cut-off of the building. The cut-off position includes the transportation hub (elevator space) and the location with abundant vertical changes in space. It is used to show the vertical pattern of the interior, the functional zoning of different floors, the mode of traffic connection, the spatial three-dimensional changes, etc. Sand table model can change the urban landscape and urban construction situation brought about by urban planning decision-making into tangible and tangible objects through fine production and accurate proportion. The public can even find their own residence, familiar roads and parks on it, which is conducive to public participation. The main purpose of urban planning is to show the future development of the city and the layout of the city, and the purpose of the urban planning model is to help urban planning planners to show their design concepts and comprehensive ministries and bureaus and other aspects.

Copyright(C)2018 Shanghai Dingye Industrial Co., Ltd. 滬ICP備09097757號-3
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