
Deep tillage Model Design15industrial machinery Model sandbox set
Design Exhibitionshowcase pioneers of cross-borderintegration solutions
VIP Project Line:13816505350
Company profile

Shanghai Dingye Industrial Co., Ltd. was founded in 2004 is a national professional model production company, is a set of building models, mechanical models, building renderings, exhibition design, multimedia design and production in one integrated design and manufacturing enterprises. Shanghai Dingye Industrial Co., Ltd. is an enterprising, innovative, united and progressive professional team, bringing together more than 50 architectural masters, more than 50 mechanical art designers, more than 20 computer operation professionals, more than 100 model production skilled craftsmen, is for the common belief and condensed into a strong fighting force of the group.Shanghai Dingye Industrial Co., Ltd. is one of the few domestic doctoral architects, Tongji University School of Planning Master of the model production enterprises, at the same time has a number of structural designers, Academy of Sciences sculpture Department graduate talent experts, they directly participate in the whole process of model production, personnel quality, technical force are among the forefront of the country. 

Dingye Industrial has its own industrial base and manufacturing base, in Shanghai Hongkou has a model production boutique, Kunshan Huaqiao has a model production base, the company's Hongkou Boutique Pavilion is located in the vicinity of Tongji University headquarters, combined with Tongji University's resource advantages, relying on strong design force, Thousands of boutique models have been successfully produced that are quite satisfactory to our customers.

Over the years, the company is committed to various types of mechanical models, industrial models, building model design and production and new model materials research and development, the establishment of a rigorous 4S management system, reasonable production process, set up a "one-stop" customer service system, from the project contact, planning, design, production have a dedicated person responsible, To ensure that your project has become a veritable boutique model under the production of our excellent professional technicians.    

Shanghai Dingye Industrial is especially good at making static and dynamic multimedia display of mechanical models, real estate sales models, pavilion showroom design, such as the mechanical model of the dynamic garage model generally using PLC control system, can effectively and low control of the access of various parking spaces The dynamic demonstration model of automobile uses multimedia simulation system to display the linkage effect of a certain part effectively. Real estate sales Model, pavilion display model and urban planning model in the overall static model on the basis of the same full use of sound, light, electricity, multimedia and other high-tech achievements so that the whole model of the effect of dynamic and static combination, vividly the function of the model to play the ultimate.       

Shanghai Dingye Industrial Co., Ltd. in order to ensure the fineness of the production model, at the expense of a large number of funds selected in the model world quality at the peak of the equipment ———— Germany CNC High-precision carving milling machine and large-country laser engraving machine, these equipment for the company model quality and production speed to provide a strong guarantee. Dazu Laser Engraving machine: This machine laser products directly with laser on the surface of the material carving, powerful, precise and meticulous, powerful cutting capacity in the same kind of machine, for ABS board, plexiglass engraving function is particularly powerful, and in the same work can be divided into 16 parts through 16 colors, Each part works with different energy and speed, the servo motor is a DC product, the error is not more than 0.001 mm, the engraving speed is 10 times times that of the mechanical engraving machine, especially suitable for the bidding model and the large workload of the planning model and high precision of the real estate model.   

Shanghai Dingye Industrial Co., Ltd. main products

1.Dynamic and static building models: Real Estate sales Sandplay model, Villa monomer model, household profile model, commercial Plaza display model, Factory park model, industrial park model, urban planning model, regional wall hanging model.

2.Dynamic and static mechanical models: Ship models (yacht models, bulk carrier models, container ship models, tanker models, crane system models, sailing models, etc.), incinerator models, various environmental models, aviation models, aircraft models, fighter models, industrial production line models, diesel engine models, generator models, compressor models, Centrifugal compressor model, pumping model, hoist model, direct combustion engine model, crushing station model, mixer model, pumping unit model, Crane model, tower model, garage model (mobile garage, tower garage model, translation garage model, etc.), pipeline model, robot model, terrestrial/offshore drilling platform model, Oil exploitation model, thermal power station model, power transmission variable power model, electrical equipment model, Power generation system Engineering model, chemical plant model, refinery model, sewage treatment model (sewage treatment Plant Model sewage Treatment process model), green energy model, electric wind thermal power model, day gas purification model, Single-bridge overpass model, cable Crane Arch bridge model, bridge construction demonstration model, cable-stayed bridge model, tunnel structure model, port and container model, Crane model, excavator model, mine machinery model and so on.

Copyright(C)2018 Shanghai Dingye Industrial Co., Ltd. 滬ICP備09097757號(hào)-3
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