
Deep tillage Model Design15industrial machinery Model sandbox set
Design Exhibitionshowcase pioneers of cross-borderintegration solutions
VIP Project Line:13816505350
Equipment Model of RTO Fuel Fuel Furnace + Washing Tower

Project Name: RTO Fuel Fuel Furnace + Washing Tower Equipment Model

Project size: 1.2 m x 0.6 m in length and width in equal proportion

Entrusting Unit: Environmental Technology Company

Industrial models are very common in life. As the name implies, they are often used in industrial fields. Industrial models, commonly known as hand-edition, hand-edition model and rapid prototyping, are mainly used to show larger machinery in the form of models.

Industrial models are usually displayed by some industrial equipments, especially some large mechanical equipments. They are usually displayed by models. Industrial model is one of the models. In fact, there are many classifications of models. Different models have different characteristics, different manufacturing techniques and different materials, and there will be great differences.

上一篇:Dir Satellite and Life Sand Table Model

下一篇:Model of Zeolite Runner Combustion System


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