
Deep tillage Model Design15industrial machinery Model sandbox set
Design Exhibitionshowcase pioneers of cross-borderintegration solutions
VIP Project Line:13816505350
Water Treatment Solutions Show

Project Name: Model Display of Water Treatment Series Solutions

Through the combination of high-quality manufacturing materials and advanced manufacturing technology, the use of light, water, shape, color, material and other forms of fine design and production, simulation of mining, power production, power transmission, power use and energy saving and emission reduction and other specific processes, people can see at a glance. Through the sand table model, people can watch every process they want to know. The industrial model has the characteristics of intuition and experience, which can effectively show the whole process of electric power production, realize the dynamic demonstration of transportation and electric power transmission, and change in real time, effectively guide the construction scheme.

上一篇:Energy Model 2

下一篇:Atlas New Energy Power Storage Cabinet Model


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