
Deep tillage Model Design15industrial machinery Model sandbox set
Design Exhibitionshowcase pioneers of cross-borderintegration solutions
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The application of interactive projection sand table in the design of urban plan

They have a more intuitive understanding of the city.

The interactive projection sandbox skillfully uses the interactive projection technology to display the whole city in a 3D projection way, as if the city has been shrunk in front of you. Moreover, the interactive function is added. Visitors can operate the picture directly, move, enlarge and shrink the scene at will, and directly click on the area of interest to have a detailed understanding, just like playing in a modern city, which is fun, convenient and with authenticity.

Shanghai Dingye interactive projection sand table system mainly consists of projector, signal receiver, equipment hanger, server, control software, speaker, multimedia system, entity sand table, projection screen and other equipment. After the completion of the system, four parts are used to achieve the effect:

The first part: the signal acquisition part, according to the interactive needs to capture and shoot, capture equipment has infrared sensors;

The second part: the signal processing part, analyzes the real-time collected data, and the generated data is connected with the virtual scene system; the second part is the signal processing part

Three parts: imaging part, using projector or other imaging equipment to present the image in a specific position;

The fourth part: audio configuration.

Urban Planning Museum is the most important expression of a city image. It not only needs to summarize the history and culture of a city, but also needs to directly show the future planning of a city. This determines that the planning hall of a city must be diversified, which can display the urban culture from all aspects and angles. Dingye company has its own unique view on the design of digital exhibition hall of planning hall, and creates planning hall with its own cultural characteristics for each city.

Dingye is committed to visual engineering services such as exhibition design, film and television production, sand table production, etc. Our services include: creative design and construction of theme exhibition hall, film and television creativity and production, intelligent sand table model design and production, architectural performance and architectural roaming, various creative exhibition items, etc. Details can be found at: http://www.zgmeishiw.com

上一篇:Virtual explanation makes modern exhibition hall more scientific and interesting


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