
Deep tillage Model Design15industrial machinery Model sandbox set
Design Exhibitionshowcase pioneers of cross-borderintegration solutions
VIP Project Line:13816505350
1000T Domestic Waste Incinerator

Project Name: 1000T Domestic Waste Incinerator

Proportion of projects: 1:20

Entrusted Unit: Everbright Environmental Technology Co., Ltd.

In order to ensure the precision of the model, we have invested a lot of money in the high-precision engraving and milling machine and laser engraving machine of CNC Germany, which are the most important equipment in the field of model quality. These equipments provide a strong guarantee for the quality and production speed of our model. Da Family Laser Engraving Machine: The laser products of this system are directly carved on the surface of materials by laser. They are powerful, precise and meticulous, and have powerful cutting ability. They are especially powerful for ABS board and plexiglass engraving. In the same work, they can be divided into 16 parts by 16 colors. Each part works with different energy and speed, and the servo motor is made of DC. Product, error no more than 0.001 mm, engraving speed is 10 times faster than mechanical engraving machine

下一篇:Kaihong Waterproof Villa Model


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