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Dingye Model Company Creates China Everbright Hangzhou Environmental Protection

Recently, in November, Guangda Hangzhou Energy Co., Ltd. of China jointly designed and manufactured environmental protection models, which are exquisite and beautiful, showing everyone's demeanor. Everbright Environmental Protection (China) Co., Ltd. ("Everbright Environmental Protection") is a wholly-owned subsidiary of China Everbright International Co., Ltd. ("Everbright International"), a state-level high-tech enterprise, as well as the pioneer and practitioner of the venous industry park model. At the end of 2016, Everbright Environmental Protection (China) Co., Ltd. was the first solid waste treatment company with annual revenue exceeding 10 billion yuan.

The company carries out R&D, equipment manufacturing, engineering construction, project operation management and project investment in an all-round way, and relying on strong humanistic concept, talent strategy, resource integration ability, the advantages of the whole industry chain and brand influence, constitutes the core competitiveness of light assets enterprises. The company has invested, built and operated more than 70 garbage incineration power generation projects, with daily disposal capacity exceeding 70,000 tons (including long-term), and has become the largest investor and operator of garbage power generation projects in China and even in Asia. It has implemented 9 environmental protection industrial parks in Suzhou, Nanjing, Suqian and Changzhou, and has entered the solid waste disposal market in Europe and Southeast Asia since 2016.

By the end of 2016, 26 garbage power generation projects, 2 biogas power generation projects, 1 sludge treatment and disposal project, 1 kitchen waste disposal project, 34 garbage power generation projects under construction and preparation, and 1 kitchen waste disposal project have been completed. Directive 2010/75/EU (EU 2010 standard) is implemented for flue gas discharge standards of all refuse power generation projects, and GB/T 19923-2005 "Urban Wastewater Recycling - Water Quality for Industrial Use" is implemented for leachate treatment. Some projects achieve "zero discharge and full reuse".

The perfect completion and acceptance of the environmental protection series model has been highly recognized by the group leaders.

上一篇:New Technology Analysis of Dingye Exhibition Hall: Holographic 360 Image Technol

下一篇:Construction and Completion of Mud Stripper Model of Guangzhou Salvage Bureau, M


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