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New Technology Analysis of Dingye Exhibition Hall: Holographic 360 Image Technol

With the rapid development of social economy and the comprehensive progress of science and technology, the display mode of products is constantly updated. With the emergence of new display technologies such as information exchange and virtual reality, exhibition and Exhibition formally enter a modern exhibition period of dynamic, interactive and full-true virtual environment.

What is holographic 360 image?

Holographic projection 360-degree phantom imaging is a new stereoscopic display technology, which can display the fine stereoscopic image of channel surface in three-dimensional space, and display the product image from all angles. Suitable for the display of product details and internal structure, it is very popular in the market at present.

Why is 360 degree holographic illusion popular with customers?

1. The cabinet is fashionable and beautiful, and its shape can be changed according to any direction. It can be transparently imaged to meet the requirements of different angles.

2. It has gorgeous and shocking visual effects beyond the traditional ones.

3. The technology can be integrated into the human-computer interaction module to realize the real-time interaction between users and three-dimensional images and deepen the impression of products in users'minds.

4. In the formation of aerial illusion, objects can be combined to realize the combination of images and objects and to display products more comprehensively.

360-degree holographic phantom suspends the three-dimensional image in the mid-air of the real scene, creating a fantastic and real atmosphere, with unique effects and full sense of science and technology. At present, it is mainly used in science and technology museum, exhibition hall, enterprise exhibition hall and other fields.

Dingye has devoted 15 years to visual engineering services such as exhibition design and sand table making. It has the strongest cross-border resource integration capability in the industry and has achieved great success in exhibition hall design and sand table making. In the design and production of the exhibition hall, Dingye constantly innovates, actively introduces a variety of modern photoelectric, image and other intelligent advanced technology, so as to make the product exhibition more intelligent and technological, and help customers achieve the best results.

上一篇:Application of Interactive Projection Sand Table in the Design of Urban Planning

下一篇:Dingye Model Company Creates China Everbright Hangzhou Environmental Protection


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